Directions to the Ansel lab

We are located on the 10th floor of the Health Sciences East (HSE) Building on the Parnassus campus of UCSF. To find us, enter at 513 Parnassus Avenue - the main entrance to the Medical Sciences Building (a.k.a. "S" building). The elevators will be on your left ~25 feet down down the corridor. Take the elevators to the 10th floor. Turn left out of the elevator waiting area and proceed down the hall to the back of the S building where it connects to HSE. Continue along the hallway and proceed through the break area. When you enter  through this central entrance to the 10th floor immunology labs, the Ansel lab is on your right, and Dr. Ansel's office is straight ahead through the office area. If the outside doors are locked or if you get lost, call the lab at 415-476-5373.


University of California San Francisco
513 Parnassus Avenue
UCSF Box 0414, HSE-1001
San Francisco, CA 94143-0414

Get directions with Google Maps

Parnassus campus map: ucsf_parnassus_map.pdf