Nature structural & molecular biology

Eri1 degrades the stem-loop of oligouridylated histone mRNAs to induce replication-dependent decay.

Nature structural & molecular biology

Hoefig KP, Rath N, Heinz GA, Wolf C, Dameris J, Schepers A, Kremmer E, Ansel KM, Heissmeyer V

Eri1 degrades the stem-loop of oligouridylated histone mRNAs to induce replication-dependent decay.

Nature structural & molecular biology

Hoefig KP, Rath N, Heinz GA, Wolf C, Dameris J, Schepers A, Kremmer E, Ansel KM, Heissmeyer V

Mouse Eri1 interacts with the ribosome and catalyzes 5.8S rRNA processing.

Nature structural & molecular biology

Ansel KM, Pastor WA, Rath N, Lapan AD, Glasmacher E, Wolf C, Smith LC, Papadopoulou N, Lamperti ED, Tahiliani M, Ellwart JW, Shi Y, Kremmer E, Rao A, Heissmeyer V

Mouse Eri1 interacts with the ribosome and catalyzes 5.8S rRNA processing.

Nature structural & molecular biology

Ansel KM, Pastor WA, Rath N, Lapan AD, Glasmacher E, Wolf C, Smith LC, Papadopoulou N, Lamperti ED, Tahiliani M, Ellwart JW, Shi Y, Kremmer E, Rao A, Heissmeyer V