
Forced expression of the non-coding RNA miR-17~92 restores activation and function in CD28-deficient CD4+ T�cells.


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Single-Cell Profiling Reveals Divergent, Globally Patterned Immune Responses in Murine Skin Inflammation.


Liu Y, Cook C, Sedgewick AJ, Zhang S, Fassett MS, Ricardo-Gonzalez RR, Harirchian P, Kashem SW, Hanakawa S, Leistico JR, North JP, Taylor MA, Zhang W, Man MQ, Charruyer A, Beliakova-Bethell N, Benz SC, Ghadially R, Mauro TM, Kaplan DH, Kabashima K, Choi J, Song JS, Cho RJ, Cheng JB

Quantitative Proteomics Reveals the Dynamic Protein Landscape during Initiation of Human Th17 Cell Polarization.


Tripathi SK, Välikangas T, Shetty A, Khan MM, Moulder R, Bhosale SD, Komsi E, Salo V, De Albuquerque RS, Rasool O, Galande S, Elo LL, Lahesmaa R